Contributor Terms

If you are contributing material to our publications, it is crucial to read, understand, and accept the following Terms. By contributing, you agree to these Terms in full. For any questions, please contact the relevant Editor.


Unless otherwise agreed in writing by a local publisher, these Terms apply to all Publications (including the title publishing these Terms) produced by The National Wales. Your agreement is with The National Wales publishing company producing the relevant Publication (“we,” “us,” “our”). Local terms apply to Publications produced by our regional offices; external contributors should check local websites or inquire directly.

Professional freelancers and agencies are encouraged to establish direct written terms with the publishing company. Otherwise, these Terms govern our agreement with professional freelancers (including news and photo agencies) and all other external contributors to our Publications who are commissioned by us or who submit Work which we accept in writing or by use. This includes casual contributors of stories, story ideas, images, bloggers, and ‘citizen journalists’ authorized by us in writing to upload blogs to our websites (“you” or “your”).

Non-commissioned user-generated content (“UGC”) published directly by casual contributors on our websites, including comment pages, is not covered by these Terms but by local user terms published on the relevant website. UGC is not edited or pre-moderated by us but uploaded directly by the contributor, who is legally responsible for the material.


  • “Publication” refers to any print title, website, database, archive, or other publication or product (current or future) in any medium or format (existing or created in the future), including print, electronic, audio, video, and digital publications and products, and all issues, editions, versions, parts, archives, supplements, digests, and spin-off compilations of articles, however accessed (including PC, tablet, or other portable device) and delivered (including online services, news feeds, apps, social media, or other digital delivery).
  • “Work” means any copyright work as defined in copyright legislation (including written material in articles and letters, photographs, sound, video, and graphic materials) which is commissioned by us or submitted to us and covers all material gathered or created in connection with a Work, including background material or unused content.

References to the “use” of a Work include reproduction, display, publication, transmission, distribution, storage, and any other use or re-use in whole or part and translation into any language.

Terms following “including,” “include,” “in particular,” “for example,” or similar expressions are illustrative and do not limit the meaning of the preceding words.

Words in the singular include the plural and vice versa.

Notices required to be in writing may include emails.

By submitting Work to us or agreeing to prepare Work or contribute to our websites, you agree to be legally bound by these Terms, effective immediately. If you do not agree to these Terms, you must not accept a commission or offer your Work to us. Your submission or acceptance of a commission implies you have read, agreed, and accepted these Terms.

This agreement supersedes any previous agreements between you and us regarding your Work, ending automatically upon submission under these Terms.

This agreement is governed by the laws and exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

No Variation

These Terms cannot be altered except with the express written agreement of the Editor of the relevant Publication. We may update these Terms at any time, and it is your responsibility to check for changes before submitting Work or accepting a commission. Any Work submitted is deemed accepted under the latest Terms displayed on the Publication’s website at the time of your contribution or commission. Continued or renewed contributions after changes are posted indicate acceptance of the revised Terms.

Grant of Rights in the Work

You retain the legal copyright in the Work. By agreeing to these Terms, you grant us the rights outlined below. Subject to these Terms and especially the provision for commissioned Work, our rights are non-exclusive, allowing you to use the Work simultaneously.

For Work specifically commissioned by us or by commissioned bloggers or citizen journalists, you grant us the exclusive right to first use the Work in any medium as allowed by these Terms. If there is a delay of more than 90 days from our receipt of the Work to its first use, you may request a written waiver of our exclusive right to first use, which will not be unreasonably denied.

While retaining copyright, you grant us worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, and sub-licensable rights including:

  • The right to use and re-use the Work in our Publications
  • The right to syndicate or sell the Work for use in third-party Publications
  • The right to use the Work in any archive or database
  • The right to edit, amend, translate, or alter the Work as we see fit
  • The right to compile Works for the uses licensed in this agreement
  • The right to authorize distribution or licensing of your Work by agencies like NLA Media Access
  • The right to authorize third-party providers to use the Work in their databases
  • The right to use Work in commercial editorial uses, such as sponsored supplements
  • The right to use the title, format, and pseudonym associated with the Work
  • The right to use the Work and any related personal details for publicity or marketing

If you exercise any retained rights, you must ensure they do not conflict with our use or commercial interests and acknowledge us in any further use of your Work, providing a link to our relevant website where possible.

You acknowledge that, by law, moral rights may not apply to current affairs reporting or publications in newspapers or magazines. If applicable, you waive all moral rights unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Editor. We will strive to maintain author by-lines where feasible.

We reserve the right to request a written assignment of copyright if necessary.


Payment will be made only if expressly agreed in writing by or on behalf of the Editor prior to commission or on acceptance of Work. Otherwise, your Work is considered commissioned or accepted without a fee, and you agree that the opportunity for consideration or publication is sufficient compensation for the rights granted. If a fee is agreed, it will be a single all-inclusive payment at our standard rates, subject to variation. The fee includes the cost of delivering the Work and all expenses unless otherwise approved in advance. Payment will be made at the end of the month following the month of first use.

No Obligation

We are not obligated to use your Work. If we commission Work and agree on a payment but do not use it, you will be paid in full (unless the Work fails to meet our editorial standards). If you submit Work speculatively and it is initially accepted for an agreed fee but later not used, you will not receive a fee, and all rights will revert to you. Work is accepted only if expressly accepted in writing (including email) by the Editor or authorized representative, or actually used as permitted under this agreement.

Your Warranties and Indemnity

You warrant that:

  • The Work is your original creation (or you have the right to authorize us) and, unless stated otherwise, has not been previously published
  • You have obtained any necessary consents or licenses for our use, and our use will not infringe any rights
  • You have complied with the Data Protection Act 1998
  • The Work is not defamatory or illegal
  • Our use of the Work will not breach any laws

Our Editorial Standards

Maintaining our reputation is vital. As a professional freelancer, you agree to produce Work to the highest professional and ethical standards, including adherence to the Editorial Code of Practice of the Independent Press Standards Organisation.

We reserve the right to reject Work (and cancel any agreed fee) if it does not meet our standards or breaches these Terms. For commissioned Work, you must notify the Editor if you become aware of any issues or complaints, and cooperate fully with us in resolving them. Keep all notes and materials, and provide them if requested for compliance or legal purposes.


If you are a professional freelancer, you confirm that you are an independent self-employed contractor. We are not liable for your acts or omissions regarding the Work. You are responsible for all taxes and national insurance and are not entitled to any employee benefits.