Terms & Conditions

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before accessing and using this website, please carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions outlined below. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you may not access or use the site.

Welcome to the thenational.wales website (the “Site”), which is owned and operated by us, currently known as The National Wales. Please note that the Site was previously owned by Newsquest Media Group Limited, located at Loudwater Mill, Station Road, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 9TY (referred to as “we” and “us”). 

These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between you, the end-user, and us, setting forth the conditions under which you may access and use the information, products, services, and advertisements (the “Material”) available on the Site. By accessing, viewing, or using the Material on the Site, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.

What Does It Mean?

These terms and conditions (the “Terms”) govern your use of this website (the “website” or “site”), including community forums, reader comments, and blogs. Particular attention should be given to the disclaimers in paragraphs 15-18. Your use of the website is also subject to our Privacy Policy, which follows.

You must read the Terms and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the Terms, do not use this website. If you use the website, your conduct indicates that you agree to be bound by the Terms.

We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time. Any such amendment will apply to all users accessing the website once the revised Terms are posted. You should, therefore, review the website periodically to check the current Terms.

We do not actively moderate, monitor, or edit contributions to the community forums, reader comments, or blogs, but we may intervene and take necessary action if required. If you have any concerns about content on our site, please use the community and comment tool to register your concerns or contact us via your local site.

No Warranty

The Site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and we do not warrant that:

  • The Site will continue to be available to you in its current format or from its current domain name;
  • The Site or any software available from the Site will be free from viruses or defects;
  • The Material contained on the Site will be true, accurate, or complete in all respects, except as otherwise set out in the Terms and Conditions and any warranties implied by law (including, without limitation, warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose).


Except for death or personal injury arising from our negligence, we are not liable for any direct, indirect, or consequential loss or damage (including, but not limited to, any lost business opportunities, loss of profit, or goodwill) arising from or connected with the Site, or your inability to use the Site.

Downloadable Material

All downloadable material from our site is carefully checked for viruses before being uploaded, but we recommend running your own virus check on each document you download before saving it to your disk or hard drive.

Use of the Website

You agree:

  • Not to use the Material for any unlawful purpose;
  • We reserve the right to immediately suspend your access to the Site if you breach these Terms and Conditions.

Links to Other Sites

Unless otherwise stated, the design, images, and content of the Site are our property or our licensors’ property. We provide Material on the Site solely for your personal use. Reproduction of any part of the Site, except for temporary copies made necessarily during downloading, for purposes other than private and personal use, is prohibited. Distributing, displaying, or copying the Site, unless for personal use by a third party, is also prohibited.

No part of the Site may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored on any other website or electronic retrieval system, nor may any part of the Site be accessed in a way that makes it appear as part of any third party’s website without our prior written consent.


We accept no liability for any products, information, material, or services offered or provided by other organizations listed on, or linked to, this Site, nor do we endorse any of these organizations or their products or services. If you contract with any of these organizations, the contract is directly between you and the relevant organization. We will have no involvement in the contract and are not liable in contract or otherwise for any products, information, materials, or services provided to you by these organizations.

Please note that although these organizations have attempted to ensure the accuracy of any information or prices provided through the Site, they are not legally binding.


To access certain parts of the website, such as community forums, reader comments, or blogs, you may be required to register if you want to submit a contribution. You must provide certain details, such as your email address and a password, if requested. If you are under 16, you must get the consent of a parent or guardian before registering.

You can only access the registration areas of the site if:

  • Your email address and password (if requested) are personal and may not be used by anyone else to access the site;
  • You do not allow anyone who is not a registered user to access any registration area of the site;
  • You do not create additional registration accounts that may cause disruption or abuse of the site;
  • You do not provide us with false or misleading information or impersonate another user.

If we believe that you have not complied with these requirements, we may cancel your access to the site immediately and without notice.

Cancellation or Suspension

We can suspend or cancel this agreement and your ability to use the website and its community forums, reader comments, and blogs with immediate effect at any time for any reason, including but not limited to your serious or repeated breach of these Terms or any conduct in connection with your use of the site that we consider inappropriate or disruptive. We will notify you of such termination at your registered email address and invalidate your access to the site.

Your Responsibilities

You are legally responsible for the material you post or submit, and you understand that by doing so, you intend for it to be published on the website. Such material may include, without limitation, words, artwork, pictures (still or moving), and sound. You grant us the non-exclusive, sub-licensable right to edit, delete, copy, translate, create derivative works from, publish, broadcast, transmit, distribute, perform, make available to the public, or otherwise use and re-use material contributed by you (or not use it) on the website and its community forums, reader comments, and blogs and associated publications, and in any other media (now known or later developed) worldwide for the full term of any rights that may exist in your contribution (including any renewals or extensions). You waive any moral rights in your contribution for these purposes.

By publishing or posting material on this website, you warrant to us that:

  • You do not infringe the rights of any individual, corporation, or organization, including but not limited to the owners of any copyright and other intellectual property, confidentiality, or privacy rights, and you have obtained any necessary permissions.
  • The material is your original work, or you have the right to make it available to us for the purposes outlined above.
  • You have not defamed any individual, corporation, or organization, nor have you otherwise infringed their legal rights. This includes, but is not limited to, unjustifiable comments, untrue or unprovable facts, statements breaching an individual’s privacy, statements prejudicing a court case, obscene or pornographic content, offensive statements based on race, religion, creed, or color, statements inciting hatred or disrespect, statements breaching criminal law, or statements breaching professional ethics or standards.


You acknowledge that all rights, including copyright and database rights, for any content on the website (including trade names and logos) or content submitted by you belong to us or are licensed to us for the purposes outlined above. You may read and contribute to the website and its communities, comments, and blogs for your private use but not for any advertising or other commercial purposes (including junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation). For private use, you may download and use reader-generated content on a single PC and print out one hard copy of contributions to the website and its communities, comments, or blogs for your personal use only. However, you will not otherwise copy, store, distribute, publish, broadcast, transmit, publicly show, create a database (in electronic or other media) from downloaded materials, or otherwise use any part of this website without our written permission, except that you may reproduce reasonable extracts of any contribution to the website and its community, comments, and blogs without our prior permission for non-commercial purposes, provided that you fairly deal with the material and properly credit the author and the name of this site.


You acknowledge that all rights, including copyright and database rights, for any content on the website (including trade names and logos) or content submitted by you belong to us or are licensed to us for the purposes outlined above. You may read and contribute to the website and its communities, comments, and blogs for your private use but not for any advertising or other commercial purposes (including junk mail, spam, chain letters, pyramid schemes, or any other form of solicitation or commercial exploitation). For private use, you may download and use reader-generated content on a single PC and print out one hard copy of contributions to the website and its communities, comments, or blogs for your personal use only. However, you will not otherwise copy, store, distribute, publish, broadcast, transmit, publicly show, create a database (in electronic or other media) from downloaded materials, or otherwise use any part of this website without our written permission, except that you may reproduce reasonable extracts of any contribution to the website and its community, comments, and blogs without our prior permission for non-commercial purposes, provided that you fairly deal with the material and properly credit the author and the name of this site.


These Terms shall be governed by and construed by the laws of England and Wales. The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from or related to your use of the website.


If you wish to file a complaint about any content on the website, please contact us at admin@thenational.wales